2024 Afrika Redefined Indie Book Prize Open to All African Writers

The 2024 edition of the Afrika Redefined Indie Book Prize for quality, independently published books (fiction, poetry, and creative/narrative non-fiction) by African authors shall open for submissions at midnight on 01 February 2024. Previously, the prize was open to Kenyan writers only. About the Prize.        The Afrika Redefined Indie Book Prize is an annual prize managed by Mystery Publishers, a Kenyan premier pan-African independent publisher with a bias toward African speculative fiction and genre/pop literature stories for quality, professionally self-published books. The 2024 winner will be awarded Ksh.20,000 (might increase depending on available funding). The 2024 submission guidelines shall be released on 01 February 2024. Check out the 2023 shortlisted books Here and the prize award ceremony photos.